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G'day from Sydney, New to Forum

G'day all.
Talking to the young fella I work with recently about our first cars took my thoughts back to my first car and still one of my favourites that I owned back in the 70's.
It was a 1969 Red/Maroon 2 door 4 on the floor Datsun 1000 which I bought at an auction at Homebush for $250.00 complete with rego. All that was needed was a cut & polish and replace the front seats as the drivers had a snapped lock pin or hinge and fell backwards. It had Extractors fitted but otherwise standard and went like a rocket. I used to give the local boys with their Fords and Holdens a run for their money.  Sadly the old Datto 1000 came to an abrupt end into the back of a bus (yes the brakes were not what we have today )
I've had a few other Datsuns and Nissans over the years along with a few Holdens, Subaru 4x4s and more recently and XC ford that was my Dad's until rust got the better of it 6 or 7 years ago.
I still have a fantastic old 85 MK Patrol turbo diesel as well as my ED ford. Biggest dissapointment in a car for me was a Brand New Australian build late 1980 200B series II wagon. An absolute piece of crap.
Call it mid life crisis or whatever but I've now got thoughts of picking up a 1000 to fix up as a daily driver and for nostalgia.
First observation is there aint many of them still around and many are beyond rescue by the average backyarder like me, and sadly many seem to have 1200 motors fitted. Ideally I am after the 2 door 4 speed floor shift sedan with the 1000 engine.
I'm in Campbelltown just south of Sydney and glad I found this forum. Hopefully I will again be the happy owner of a Datto 1000 in the future
Cheers Ric
hi ric,
im from campbelltown  living in thailand 4 years now,
i just bought a b10 2 door here in thailand

i guess i got lucky cause iv seen no other here,
now i seen a b10 on ebay about 2 weeks or so ago it was in melbourne,
when i saw it i think it had a day or 2 left and starting at $1000 with no bid,
i dont know if that sold someone else may know???
i dont know if you can search sold items on ebay?
this was pretty rought so i dont know if you want one to do a resto on
or a pretty decent one, but might be worth a look for interest sake,
iv just pulled engine out for rebuild but i may go full car rebuild in terms of bodywork,
need tail lights and front blinkers and grill,
so anyway let us know how ya go finding your next b10 mate,
cheers paul.
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