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air conditioner, carby upgrade

hi guys,
looking for advice about carby and air-con,
its my understanding that later model dats that come with air have some sort
of carby mechanism that raises the revs when air is switched on,
at the moment i need to run my a12 on higher idle revs  in order to still run when air is on,
the question is what carb can to i fit to my a12 that has this function?
so, what carb will bolt straight on? off what datsun?
i need to replace my carb anyway as its old and also broken where air cleaner screws on...
put a micro switch on the exelerator linkage so it only work at high revs 
thanks tonka, i see what your sayin but i dont know if that il be easy to do
or exactly what i want, was hoping the air will function sationary at idle speed etc.
well worth thinkin about though...
hoping theres a carby solution,
does anyone know the carby funtion im talkin about?
its new to me to be honest,
some info on this will be handy and will serve as reference to others going for air-con....,
to put a spin on it lol,
il probly put lpg and run duel fuel later,
ive no idea what problem that may bring in regard to this same issue...
anyone clued up on this?
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