2 Posts - Page: 1

Just Joined

Hi just found this place I have been with the 1200 club for many years but have been looking for a club for 1000's I have a coupe that has been in the family since 1972 or 1973 to long ago lol have heaps of spare parts many probably hard to get nowadays. Anyway will get invloved here hope to meet plenty of fellow die hards and gain information. Cheers  Peter
I have been a long time member of the 1200 club but found this site. As I have a coupe this is where I should be.
Welcome to our forum Peter.
It is always good to hear from fellow datsun 1000 owners.
As for free information...(If you have not already found it), there are tabs at the top of the page linking to information and downloads.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
2 Posts - Page: 1