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Dat1000 Ute b20 restoration, 1000 Ute restoration

Are you tring to undo the nuts directly on the inside of your bumper?
The bumper also bolts to brackets which can be undone from inside the engine bay.
You will still need to undo the end mounts that attach to the front guards but access is easy for the ends as these are undone from inside the wheel arch.
This will remove the bumper and all its brackets as one part.
You can then undo whatever you like from there.
If you do decide to break the bumper down further be aware that the smaller bumper bolts are usually rusted together so be prepared to break a couple.
You can reduce your chances of breaking one by cleaning any exposed threads with a die nut and also give them a good soaking in some penetrating fluid a couple of days before attempting to undo them.
You will be best off having a friend help guide the bumper off and also have somebody help you guide it back on when your car is painted to avoid scratching your new paint.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
thanks, ash 
I didn't realise you could take it off from inside the engine bay and I'm not sure if I will be putting it back on
Not a problem.
Im glad that I could you help out with some relevant info.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
Hi, Guys Been a while since I last posted something but in that time I discovered that the ute I was restoring was way to far gone to be saved.
I didn't just want to give up on the 1000s since id learned so much about them so I went and bought another one.
This one is in much better condition and the majority of the rust and bodywork has been done. 
so hoping with this Corona Virus that i can get onto the new little ute a bit more
that is a great find congrats, a lovely little clean ute.
surely you will keep the other one for spares?
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, Big Brother is watching you - George Orwell 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'"  Harold Rosenthal http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=24688
Yeah hoping to keep it but don't really need much of it the other ute, it came with everything you'd need to restore it except for a couple of pieces that aren't too hard to get. 
I'm hoping to use the other one to practice on as I'm by no means a professional fabricator, id like to turn it into some sort of burnout or drag car but if that doesn't happen I still have the other one.
A guy I ran into *Dave* was selling a 1000 coupe with gx motor
had also another 3 1000s like me at the time looking for a 4th!
His father died but tinkered with lotus 7 replicars using the
1k chassis and most of the inner shell and fitting a roll cage.
They ended up lighter than lotus 7 due to lighter suspension
and more power thanks to A series making more power than
the badly caste iron headed Ford crossflow engine.
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, Big Brother is watching you - George Orwell 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'"  Harold Rosenthal http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=24688
The guy i bought my latest one of had another 2 thousand 1 was all cut up and the other he was doing himself, he also had a supercharger a12 in his shed.
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