6 Posts - Page: 1


Your biggest problem is going to be postage.
If I was in your position I would give this guy a call? (I hope he dosn't mind)
He is selling a 1000 bakkie/ute in South Africa, even if he can't help you out i'd assume he should have an idea about where other 1000 owners or parts suppliers are in your area.
It's hard not know these things when owning a 1000 as most of your help comes from other 1000 owners.
Good luck with your search Elaine, and welcome to our forum.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
Sheesh!  How in HELL did you manage to stumble on this Ash?? 
I tip my hat to you mate.  You deserve to have "B10ODHND" as a custom plate, because if there's anything 1000 related for sale anywhere in the world, you find it!! 
When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
High roof on the SA 1000 Bakkie..
I have known about that car since the ad went up.
A good way to keep up with whats what in the B10 world is to search Google and within the search functions you can specify last 24 hours, ect.

If you do that regularly not much gets missed.
Also if you want to search for more than one word then add " on each end of your search phrase.
Eg. "Datsun B10" instead of Datsun B10.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
wow!!!! high roof on the b20x must be the Somalian and Sudanese model!  or must have a sunroof instead for that market but get a look at the guards man! perfect for the Phat racing afficionados
During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act, Big Brother is watching you - George Orwell 'Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer -- so I wasn't lying -- and we are his chosen people. Lucifer is very much alive.'"  Harold Rosenthal http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=24688
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