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Butchered VB10

When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
Ads gone
But says 1200 
I do have some pics of a VB10 convert though (here in WA)
I know, not sure if it was a typo or if they son't know their Datsuns.
I can't believe they sold it either; they were asking for over $4K and it was in pretty rough shape.  The convertible framelooked like it was all there, but the soft top material wasn't and I'm pretty sure it was unlicensed too.  They claimed it was engineered though, but who knows.
It was red Neil, with what looked like a B10 sedan boot lid.  Does that match your pics?
When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
Mine was yellow with a funky grille

Neil, your pics are larger than 952 pix wide,
If anyone would like to see the whole pic then here are links to then on their own.
Pic 1
Pic 2
Thank you for sharing these
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
Yeah sorry
Not the first time I've been told my stuff is too big
But there they are
How long ago were these taken Neil, was it yours?
The way they cut around and kept the fuel filler neck reminds me of a red 1000 made into a ute we always used to see at Carlisle TAFE (96-98).  It had the same deal, but with a fabricated back window area and what we determined to be a Salisbury diff (we could've been wrong, as we were only 1st year greenhorns, but it did have bolts at the rear of the centre and that centre was HUGE under that little car!).
When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
Not mine no
Guy sent me the pics when he was trying to sell it to me
It was down south somewhere... Pemberton maybe
It was legal , licenced and had a chassis stuffed under it of some description
Dundee had a cut down wagon made into a ute
But it was white
8 Posts - Page: 1