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Wagon glass... , while I'm on the hunt for parts...

does anyone have any clues, spares,wrecks.... on a Wagon.. I'm after the two side glass panels that pivot open, (the latches would be a bonus as mine are broken too)
my side glass frames are SNAFU... or rusted beyond repair... 
give me a buzz... cheers, Mikey the wagon Kid in Freo...
I'll have a look among my stash Mike. I have the glass for sure, but I think I already pilfered the frames and latches for my Wag. I'll have a fossick tomorrow and get back to you.
When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
Thanks bro
I thought you had spares
Or you could just do the big window conversion
The glass in my old wagon was OK but the frames are rooted
I just finished a sliding window for the back window of my wagon. Came up pretty ok. I'll try post up some pics later tonight. Definately worth it if you have people in the rear! (In my case 2 kids)
thanks fellas, 
no spares Neil, not many wagon wrecks about... 
Interested to see what you came up with Matty,
Sorry Mike, I didn't end up having a looksee yesterday but will do this weekend.
When the "D" hits your eye, like a txt smiley guy...
Hey sorry for the delay... Having trouble getting the computer to cooperate and upload the photos. I'm gonna update my build page so the sliding windows will be on there. Hopefully I can get them on tonight!
8 Posts - Page: 1