Post #13
Saturday, 15-Dec 2012 @ 10:32am
I'm not really one to ask as I have really learned in a vacumn. IE self-taught off youtube and didnt know anyone else that was doing it. Just grabed the first couple of apps that were reccomended and went from there.
It depends what you want to do, like I said Rhino and Modo approach 3d moddeling from different different directions, Rhino is taking something solid and making it smooth, Modo Starts with it smooth and makes it solid...if that makes sense, I use either or a combination depending on the design.
I usually always end up in Rhino as it is the most powerful at technical stuff/ file reading/formatting/exporting different kinds of files, but I did it the hard way without peers in the area.... it has taken me years, hours of youtube tutorials, perserverance... and I still learn something new every time I open both programs. I still dont have the first clue about rendering!!
That said, I love it, its like a never-ending jigsaw puzzle, its my mental gym
some of the programs are absolutely nuts...Zbrush for instance is like sculpting incredible detail out of thin air, but the interface is one person put it to me, it makes more sense if you dont know anything about is true what Andrew says about having control.
I have heard good things about Blender...and hey its free with loads of tutorials...cant go wrong there as a starting point imo.