Post #51
Wednesday, 02-Nov 2016 @ 12:40pm
So I attempted to put the non boosted push rod in the new master (was rushing as time was limited). Removed the circlip for the new master and pulled out the washer. Put in the non boosted push rod and after much stuffing around got the circlip back in.
Throught the day was thinking about and started thinking what I had done was wrong. A quick message to Neil confirmed my suspicion.
So now I need to make myself a new push rod, or I reckon I can machine the end of the existing one off and use it if the length is correct, my preference is to use a complete replacement but retain the clevis.
Also got around to marking and drilling my caliper brackets, I used the old drum retaining plate as a guide. First bracket I did was average, so the holes are slightly larger, but doesn't matter at the end of the day as the centre locates it just fine.
I then flipped it over and used the first one as a rough guide for the second one
Apologies for the spamming of this thread, but I think the pictures help illustrate for future people trying this conversion.