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KB10 Idler arm refurb

I thought I would post up the recent work carried out on the standard equipment Datsun 1000 idler arm.  The bushes in my part were completely  shot. (See pics). I am aware that the B110 item can be fitted to the b10 chassis with little fuss, however I was want to keep with original parts as much as possible.
So I set to task to find a nolathane type bush with the right dimensions to do the job. Long story short is that I found a bush off the shelf with the right taper and ID dimension (15.8mm / 5/8in).  These are originally to suit a Morris Minor 1000 upper-outer front arms.
In this case the original plastic bush that sits inside the original rubber bush can be discarded. The only mod needed is to fit a 5/8 ID washer 1.2 mm thick, to make up the different in the bush flange thickness. The original bush has a 1/4 inch flange, were as the nolathane bush has a 5mm thick flange. The extra washer is added to the compressed stack to press the new bushes home to the correct seated position.
Cheers benny


That looks like it works perfectly.
Got to love web pages with searchable sizing information insted of only having the option to find parts based on what fits your current model car by make then model.
1967 Datsun B10 2 Door.
Looks good...last one I rebuilt (2006) I managed to get OE bushes and sleeves
Handy theres now options
good to see its getting the love I couldnt give it
Benny doesnt choose Datsun they choose him
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