Post #1
Thursday, 13-Sep 2012 @ 6:17pm
Edited by clyons8
Thursday, 13-Sep 2012 @ 6:18pm
Thursday, 13-Sep 2012 @ 6:18pm
Good Evening fellow members!
I've been real busy with work and four project Datsuns but I am coming to the stage of building the turbo motor for my 1000 (GT15).
As with most projects the funding is always a little thin spread, I am making turbo manifolds for the 1000 so that I can raise some cash for my projetcs. The fabrication will be done through a third party so you must consider this in my pricing (AUD$400.00 each unit). I will be inspecting each manifold making sure they are of good quality. They will also be sand blasted and epoxy painted.
If you are interested please send me a note via PM or simply speak up on this thread.
For those interested I am looking at collecting payment for these on October 29th. Price may vary by 5% or so.
Thanks for your time.
I've been real busy with work and four project Datsuns but I am coming to the stage of building the turbo motor for my 1000 (GT15).
As with most projects the funding is always a little thin spread, I am making turbo manifolds for the 1000 so that I can raise some cash for my projetcs. The fabrication will be done through a third party so you must consider this in my pricing (AUD$400.00 each unit). I will be inspecting each manifold making sure they are of good quality. They will also be sand blasted and epoxy painted.
If you are interested please send me a note via PM or simply speak up on this thread.
For those interested I am looking at collecting payment for these on October 29th. Price may vary by 5% or so.
Thanks for your time.