Post #387
Tuesday, 11-Jan 2022 @ 6:04am
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Tuesday, 11-Jan 2022 @ 6:26am
Ive got no right to wield a TIG torch, as I have no clue how to use one.
But with some YouTube, and if you take care you can figure enough to glue things together.
Me being new and slow on the TIG doesn't help, but I find it super hungry for gas compared to the MIG.
That being said, once you accept it, The process is very satisfying.
I am very glad I gave it a go as It has opened up some additional ways to play cars.
I did make myself a miniature welding table from some 250mmx10mm flat bar.
This helps tremendously with set up, and I found just placing it on a folding table gives good access and very little garage footprint when not in use.
Not the best pic, but this sort of shows my table and chair working well for me.
I found that an old comptuer chair is a comfortable setup with easy access from all sides.
infact, alot of my garage can be pulled out for use and packed away when not in use.
For making good use of my space, this works well for me.